People At Sword

News | Kevin Moreton appointed CEO UK – US Services

News | Kevin Moreton appointed CEO UK – US Services 907 680 Stéphanie Desmaris
I’m really excited about where we are as an organisation and the opportunities that I see ahead

#35 | Meeting with Magda

#35 | Meeting with Magda 907 680 Stéphanie Desmaris
Let’s meet Madga from Sword Spain

#30 | Meeting with Harry

#30 | Meeting with Harry 1613 1613 Stéphanie Desmaris
Today, Harry, Service Line Lead in Aberdeen, tells us about his adventure at Sword!

#22 | Meeting with Irena

#22 | Meeting with Irena 720 520 Marie-Lou CAYOT
Based in Brussels, Irena tells us about her career and her position as Relationship Manager.

#21 | Meeting with Rim

#21 | Meeting with Rim 720 520 Marie-Lou CAYOT
It is in the Middle East, in Lebanon more precisely that we interviewed Rim, Oracle EBS Consultant based in Beirut.

#20 | Meeting with Alexius

#20 | Meeting with Alexius 720 520 Marie-Lou CAYOT
In Athens, Greece, we met Alexius Diakogiannis, Senior Architect. He was glad to answer our questions about his journey at Sword!

#16 | Meeting with Cédric

#16 | Meeting with Cédric 720 520 Marie-Lou CAYOT
Discover Cédric, IT Support Engineer based in Staines (UK)

#Special Meeting with Théo

#Special Meeting with Théo 150 150 Cynthia Vettivelu
Consultant MOE, Théo vous raconte son quotidien chez Sword à Lyon. L’occasion de découvrir sa fonction, son environnement de travail et son point de vue sur l’entreprise. Sword recrute de nouveaux consultant·es MOE à Lyon, alors n’attendez plus et rejoignez-nous !