
Investors 150 150 hyqxm



Stability and security for stakeholders

A wealth of information about Sword Group’s scale and performance for current and potential investors, including financial statements, annual reports, group news, press releases, presentations and leadership biographies.




Sword Group in figures

Key figures of the Group, as reported quarterly, demonstrate the excellent health of the company, its sound management and first-rate forecast. Being able to present a double-digit growth and a profitability greater than 13% over time, Sword Group is concentrating its efforts in satisfying the investors who have put their confidence in its shares.

Sword Group has been making world-leading organisations more efficient and more profitable.


Sword Group in figures

Key figures of the Group, as reported quarterly, demonstrate the excellent health of the company, its sound management and first-rate forecast. Being able to present a double-digit growth and a profitability greater than 13% over time, Sword Group is concentrating its efforts in satisfying the investors who have put their confidence in its shares.

3,000+ People

Dependable, digital IT transformation solutions that reduce costs and increase productivity.

1,000+ customers in 50 countries

More than
€288M revenue
in 2023

Sword Group has been making world-leading organisations more efficient and more profitable.

1,000+ customers in 50 countries

2,000+ people

Dependable, digital IT solutions that reduce costs and increase productivity.

More than €288M revenue in 2023


Learn More >


Presentation of Sword Group’s Chairman

Jacques Mottard


Jacques Mottard established Sword in December 2000.

He was previously president, Europe, at Metamor group.

Jacques Mottard established and developed Decan between 1989 and 1999 until the friendly take-over bid by Metamor group in February 1999. Jacques was previously a sales engineer at Bull, regional director for the Rhône-Alpes region and managing director of Comelog.

Jacques Mottard has a double scientific and business training (engineering graduate from ESTP and IAE Montpellier).


Chairman’s Message

Dear shareholders, customers, employees, and partners,

As the President of Sword Group, I am proud to address you with these few words that reflect the spirit and momentum of our company. Our commitment to excellence and innovation has distinguished Sword Group as a leading IT services company, recognized for its technical expertise and customer-centric approach. Our steadily increasing consolidated revenue attests to the trust our customers place in us and the effectiveness of our business model.

Our success primarily relies on our employees, who are at the heart of our company. We are committed to providing them with a stimulating work environment that fosters professional development and personal growth. At Sword Group, every employee has the opportunity to build a rewarding career characterized by continuous learning and advancement opportunities.

We also want to express our gratitude to our investors, whose unwavering support has been a crucial driver of our rapid growth. Your confidence has enabled us to innovate, expand into new markets, and strengthen our position as a leader.

Mindful of the current and future challenges in the IT sector, we are highly attentive to positioning Sword Group effectively in emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence. We continuously invest in research and development to anticipate technological revolutions and remain at the forefront of innovation.

Today, we are taking a further step by presenting an ambitious strategic plan for the period 2024-2028. This plan aims to accelerate our growth, strengthen our technological leadership, and position us even more strategically in international markets. We are confident that this strategic plan will mark a new era of success for Sword Group, leveraging our core values and maximizing the opportunities presented by emerging technologies.

Together, we have achieved remarkable progress, and I am confident that our collective commitment to excellence, innovation, and respect for our core values, reinforced by our new 2028 strategic plan, will lead us to new successes.

Thank you for your commitment alongside us, and rest assured of our determination to continue on this promising path.

Jacques Mottard
Chairman & CEO


Executive Managers


Jacques Mottard
CEO Switzerland (aa)


Dave Bruce


Dieter Rogiers
CEO BeNelux Greece & Spain


Phil Norgate


The Financial Division

Frédéric Goosse


Frédéric Goosse has been working for Sword Group since 2002, as an independent expert.

He started his career at Arthur Andersen Luxembourg in 1992. He obtained the title of auditor and accountant in Luxembourg in 1998.

In 2004, he created his accounting, tax and social accounting company in Luxembourg.


The Financial Managers


Lalitha Balakrishnan
Deputy Group CFO


Laurence Blanc
Deputy Group CFO


Philippe Blanche
Deputy Group CFO


Patrick Zbinden
Deputy Group CFO


Olga Slamenkaite
Deputy Group CFO


Patrick Zbinden
Deputy Group CFO


Shareholding structure











































Updated at the Shareholders Meeting on 28/04/2022


Financial Communication Manager

Stéphanie DESMARIS

Sword Group Financial Communication Manager


Statutory documents

Sword Group | Results of OGM votes of 29/04/24

Sword Group | New Signatures in BeNeLux

Sword Group | Q1 2024 Results

Sword Group | 2023 Consolidated Accounts (french version)

Sword Group | 2023 Annual Accounts

Sword Group | Shares and Voting Rights

Sword Group | OGM Notice Convocation of 04-29-2023

Sword Group | OGM Text Projects Resolutions of 04-29-2024 (French Version)

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the OGM of 04-29-202

Sword Group | 2023 Compensation Report for Executives and Directors (French version)

Sword Group | Auditors’ Report Consolidated Accounts 2023 (French version)

Sword Group | Auditors’ Report Annual Accounts 2023 (French version)

Sword Group | 2023 Financial Report

Sword Group | 2023 Management Report (French version)

Sword Group | H2 Liquidity Report at 31/12/2023 | Published on 28/03/2024

Sword Group | Strategic Plan 2024-2028

Sword Group | FY2023 Presentation SFAF Meeting

Sword Group | FY2023 Results

Sword Group | Q4 2023 Results

Sword Group | Q3 2023 Results

Sword Group | SFAF Meeting Presentation H12023 | September 7th 2023

Sword Group | H1 Liquidity Report at 30/06/2023 | Published on 31/08/2023

Sword Group | H1 2023 Financial Report

Sword Group | Q2 2023 Results

Sword Group | 2022 Corporate Responsability Report (CSR)

Sword Group | 1st step in integrating Artificial Intelligence into its business model: AAA subsidiary put up for sale as of 31/05/23

Sword Group | Results of EOGM votes of 28/04/23

Sword Group | Q1 2023 Results

Sword Group | H2 Liquidity Report at 31/12/2022 | Published on 28/03/2023

Sword Group | 2022 Management Report (English version available at the end of April)

Sword Group | 2022 Financial Report

Sword Group | 2022 Annual Accounts

Sword Group | 2022 Consolidated Accounts

Sword Group | Auditors’ Report Annual Accounts 2022

Sword Group | Auditors’ Report Consolidated Accounts 2022

Sword Group | 2022 Compensation Report for Executives and Directors (French version)

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the EOGM of 04-28-2023

Sword Group | EOGM Text Projects Resolutions of 04-28-2023 (French Version)

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 04-28-2023 (French Version)

Sword Group | Shares and Voting Rights

Sword Group | SFAF Meeting Presentation FY2022 | March 9th 2023

Sword Group | FY2022 Results

Sword Group | Q4 2022 Results

Sword Group | Q3 2022 Results

Sword Group | Sustainable Purchasing Charter

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement | Posted on 31/08/22

Sword Group | H1 2022 Financial Report

Sword Group | Modern Slavery Statement

Sword Group | Q2 2022 Results

Sword Group | Results of OGM votes of 28/04/22

Sword Group | Q1 2022 Results

Sword Group | 2021 Compensation Report for Executives and Directors (French version)

Sword Group | Shares and Voting Rights

Sword Group | 2021 Financial Report

Sword Group | OGM Text Projects Resolutions of 04-28-2022

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the OGM of 04-28-2022

Sword Group | OGM Notice Convocation of 04-28-2022

Sword Group | Acquisition in the UK

Sword Group | FY2021 Results

Sword Group | Sale of Sword’s Governance, Risk and Compliance Business

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2021 Results

Sword Group | Q3 2021 Consolidated Income Statement Extract YTD

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2021 Results

Sword Group | Global Compact Report March 2021

Sword Group | SFAF Meeting Presentation H1 2021 | September 9th 2021

Sword Group | H1 2021 Financial Report

Sword Group | Availability of the H1 2021 Financial Report

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement | Posted on 31/08/21

Sword Group | The Group’s Continuous Improvement Policy

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2021 Results

Sword Group | Acquisition in Switzerland

Sword Group | New Win in BeLux

Sword Group | Results of OEGM votes of 28/04/21

Sword Group | Q1 2021 Consolidated Income Statement Extract

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2021 Results

Sword Group | EOGM Revised Text Projects Resolutions of 04-28-2021

Sword Group | 2020 Compensation Report for Executives and Directors

Sword Group | EOGM Revised Notice Convocation of 04-28-2021

Sword Group | Revised VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the EOGM of 04-28-2021

Sword Group | Whistle-Blower Policy

Sword Group | Data Protection Policy

Sword Group | Anti-Bribery Policy

Sword Group | Availability of EOGM documents of 04-28-2021

Sword Group | Annual Auditor’s Report 2020

Sword Group | Consolidated Accounts Auditor’s Report 2020

Sword Group | Management Report 2020

Sword Group | Shares and Voting Rights

Sword Group | Consolidated Accounts 2020

Sword Group | Annual Accounts 2020

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement | Posted on 26/03/21

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 04-28-2021

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the EOGM of 04-28-2021

Sword Group | EOGM Text Projects Resolutions of 04-28-2021

Sword Group | 2020 Financial Report

Sword Group | Availability of the 2020 Financial Report

Sword Group | SFAF Meeting Presentation FY 2020 | March 11th 2021

Sword Group | 2020 Annual Results

2021-2024 Business Plan

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2020 Results

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | Q3 2020 Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2020 Results

Sword Group | Sale of Sword France

Sword Group | Latest News

Sword Group | H1 2020 Financial Report

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement | Posted on 31/08/20

Sword Group | Availability of the H1 2020 Financial Report

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2020 Results

Sword Group | 2019 Financial Report

Sword Group | New Contract

Sword Group | Results of OEGM votes of 04/28/20

Sword Group | Q1 2020 Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | Q1 2020 Presentation

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2020 Results

Sword Group | EOGM Revised Text Projects Resolutions of 04-28-2020

Sword Group | Shareholders Information

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement | Posted on 27/03/20

Sword Group | 2019 Annual Financial Report

Sword Group | Annual Auditor’s Report 2019

Sword Group | Consolidated Accounts Auditor’s Report 2019

Sword Group | Shares and Voting Rights

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 04-28-2020

Sword Group | Annual Accounts 2019

Sword Group | Consolidated Accounts 2019

Sword Group | Availability of EOGM documents of 04-28-2020

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the EOGM of 04-28-2020

Sword Group | Availability of the 2019 Financial Report

Sword Group | Management Report 2019

Sword Group | EOGM Text Projects Resolutions of 04-28-2020

Sword Group | SFAF Presentation of 03/12/2020

Sword Group | 2019 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2019 Results

Sword Group | Acquisition of DataCo

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2019 Results

Sword Group | Liquidity Contract Implementation 2019

Sword Group | Half-Year Liquidity Contract Review 2019

Sword Group | Availability of the H1 2019 Financial Report

Sword Group | H1 2019 Financial Report | Posted on 08/30/19

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2019 Results

Sword Group | Results of OGM votes of 04/29/19

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2019 Results

Sword Group | 2018 Financial Presentation

Sword Group | Text Projects Resolutions OGM of 04/29/18

Sword Group | 2018 Financial Report | Posted on 03/28/19

Sword Group | Provision of Documents for OGM of 04/29/19

Sword Group | Form for participation, for Voting by Correspondence/by Proxy voting for OGM of 04/29/19

Sword Group | Availability of the 2018 Financial Report

Sword Group | 2018 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2018 Results

Sword Group | Acquisition of Magique Galileo

Sword Group | 2018 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 03/28/19

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | Exceptional Dividend Payment

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2018 Results

Sword Group | Sale of Sword APAK

Sword Group | Half-Year Liquidity Contract 01/01/18 to 06/30/18

Sword Group | Half-Year 2018 Results

Sword Group | 2018 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 2018 2nd Quarter Results

Sword Group | Result of OGM votes of 04/27/18

Sword Group | Provision of Documents for OGM of 04/27/18

Sword Group | Form for participation, for Voting by Correspondence/by Proxy voting for OGM of 04/27/18

Sword Group | 2018 1st Quarter Results

Sword Group | Sale in Basel

Sword Group | Availability of the 2017 Financial Report

Sword Group | 2017 Annual Results

Sword Group | 2017 4th Quarter Results

Sword Group | Annual Financial Presentation of the 03/08/18

Sword Group | 2017 Financial Report | Posted on 03/26/18

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement | Posted on 26/03/18

Sword Group | 2017 3rd Quarter Results

Sword Group | 2017 3rd Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | Financial Report 2017 Half-Year

Sword Group | 2017 Half-Year Consolidated Account

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement 2017 Half-Year

Sword Group | 2017 2nd Quarter Results

Sword Group | Availability of the 2016 Financial Report

Sword Group | New contract with the European Commission

Sword Group | Result of EOGM votes of 04/28/17

Sword Group | 2017 1st Quarter Results

Sword Group | Text Projects Resolutions EOGM of 04/28/17

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for EOGM Revised of 04/28/17

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for EOGM of 04/28/17

Sword Group | Availability of EOGM Documents of 04/28/17

Sword Group | 2017 1st Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | 2016 Annual Results

Sword Group | 2016 4th Quarter Results

Sword Group | Crossing of Thresholds

Sword Group | Capital Increase

Sword Group | 2016 Financial Report | Posted on 22/03/17

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement | Posted on 23/03/17

Sword Group | Share Trading

Sword Group | Share Trading

Sword Group | Share Trading

Sword Group | Simalaya Disposal

Sword Group | FMR-LLC Threshold Crossing

Sword Group | Eligible for PEA-PME standard

Sword Group | Capital increase

Sword Group | 2016 3rd Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | 2016 3rd Quarter Results

Sword Group | Annual Financial Meeting and Horizon 2020

Sword Group | Availability of the 2016 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement 2016 Half-Year

Sword Group | Financial Reports 2016 Half-Year

Sword Group | 2016 Half Year Consolidated Account

Sword Group | 2016 2nd Quarter Results

Sword Group | 2016 Consolidated Account | Posted on 03/22/2017

Sword Group | Eximium Threshold Crossing

Sword Group | Capital increase

Sword Group | Result of the EOGM votes of the 27/05/16

Sword Group | FMR-LLC Threshold Crossing

Sword Group | Result of OGM votes of 28/04/16

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for EOGM of 27/05/2016

Sword Group | Text Projects Resolutions EOGM of 27/05/16

Sword Group | EOGM Notice of 27/05/16

Sword Group | 2016 1st Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | 2016 1st Quarter Results

Sword Group | Number of Shares and Number of Voting Rights of 25/03/15

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for EOGM of 27/05/2016

Sword Group | Availability of the 2015 Financial Report

Sword Group | Text Projects Resolutions OGM of 28/04/16

Sword Group | Result of the OGM votes of the 28/04/16

Sword Group | 2015 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2015 Results

Sword Group | 2015 Consolidated Account | Posted on [mm/dd/yy]

Sword Group | Half-Year Liquidity Contract 07/01/15 to 12/31/15 | Posted on 03/25/16

Sword Group | 2015 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 03/24/16

Sword Group | Capital Increase

Sword Group | Merger of Sword Services activities in the UK with the AAA Ltd.

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2015 Results

Sword Group | 2015 3rd Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | 2015 Half Year Consolidated Account

Sword Group | 2015 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2015 Results

Sword Group | Increase of Simalaya Holding

Sword Group | Shareholders Information

Sword Group | 901bis

Sword Group | OGM Vote Result of 04/28/15

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2015 Results

Sword Group | 2015 1st Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the OGM of 04/28/15

Sword Group | OGM Text Projects Resolutions of 04/28/15

Sword Group | 2014 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2014 Results

Sword Group | 2014 Consolidated Account | Posted on 03/19/15

Sword Group | Half-Year Liquidity Contract 03/27/14 to 12/31/14 | Posted on 03/27/15

Sword Group | 2014 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 03/19/15

Sword Group | Capital Increase

Sword Group | 2014 3rd Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2014 Results

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | 2014 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2014 Results

Sword Group | 2014 Half Year Consolidated Account

Sword Group | Shares Trading

Sword Group | EOGM Vote Result of 05/19/14

Sword Group | EOGM Vote Result of 04/28/14

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 05/19/14

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the EOGM of 05/19/14

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2014 Results

Sword Group | 2014 1st Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 04/28/14

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the EOGM of 04/28/14

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | 2013 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2013 Results

Sword Group | 2013 Consolidated Account | Posted on 01/20/14

Sword Group | 2013 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 06/03/14

Sword Group | Public Offer under takeover code made for Charteris

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2013 Results

Sword Group | 2013 3rd Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | Increases its Shareholding in Simalaya

Sword Group | Disposes of its holding in Amor Group to Lockheed Martin

Sword Group | Availability of the 2013 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | Acquisition of Risk Management Software Vendor Active Risk

Sword Group | 2013 Half Year Consolidated Account

Sword Group | 2013 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 2013 Half Year Consolidated Account | Non Audited

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2013 Results

Sword Group | Public Offer under takeover code made for Active Risk

Sword Group | OGM Vote Result of 05/03/13

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2013 Results

Sword Group | VPC / Proxy Participation Form for the OGM of 03/05/13

Sword Group | OGM Text Projects Resolutions of 05/03/13

Sword Group | OGM Notice Convocation of 03/05/13

Sword Group | 2013 1st Quarter Consolidated Income Statement

Sword Group | Availability of the 2012 Financial Report

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2012 Results

Sword Group | 2012 Consolidated Account | Posted on 01/23/13

Sword Group | 2012 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 03/28/2013

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2012 Results

Sword Group | SFAF Presentation of 09/11/12

Sword Group | Shareholders Information

Sword Group | Shareholders Information

Sword Group | Model 901bis

Sword Group | Sale of CRM Activity Confirmed Ciboodle

Sword Group | Availability of the 2012 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2012 Results

Sword Group | 2012 Half Year Consolidated Account

Sword Group | Sale of Ciboodle

Sword Group | Half-Year Liquidity Contract 01/01/12 to 06/30/12

Sword Group | 2012 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2012 Results

Sword Group | Approbation of the Transfer

Sword Group | Expert Rapport

Sword Group | Availability of EOGM documents of 03/26/12

Sword Group | Availability of the 2011 Financial Report

Sword Group | Appointment Independant Expert

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 03/26/12

Sword Group | 2011 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2011 Results

Sword Group | Notice of Head Office Relocation

Sword Group | Half-Year Liquidity Contract 09/09/11 to 12/31/11 | Posted on 04/06/12

Sword Group | 2011 Consolidated Account | Posted on 02/10/12

Sword Group | 2011 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 03/05/12

Sword Group | Sale of Sword CTSpace

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2011 Results

Sword Group | Sign a Liquidity Contract

Sword Group | Half-Year 2011 Results

Sword Group | Availability of the 2011 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2011 Results

Sword Group | Exceptional Dividend Payment

Sword Group | Sale of two Product Lines

Sword Group | Availability of EOGM documents of 05/17/11

Sword Group | Availability of the 2010 Financial Report

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2011 Results

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 05/17/11

Sword Group | 2010 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2010 Results

Sword Group | 2010 Consolidated Account | Posted on 02/03/11

Sword Group | 2010 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 05/13/11

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | Evolution of Governance

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2010 Results

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | Availability of the 2010 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | Half-Year 2010 Results

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2010 Results

Sword Group | Availability of EOGM documents of 04/28/10

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2010 Results

Sword Group | Availability of the 2009 Financial Report

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 04/28/10

Sword Group | 2009 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2009 Results

Sword Group | 2009 Consolidated Account

Sword Group | 2009 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 04/07/10

Sword Group | Postponement of the Headquarters Transfer

Sword Group | Acquisition of AgencyPort (United States)

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | OGM Notice Convocation of 12/02/09

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2009 Results

Sword Group | Sale of Sword Business Technology Solutions (Scotland)

Sword Group | Half-Year 2009 Results

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2009 Results

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2009 Results

Sword Group | Availability of the 2008 Financial Report

Sword Group | OSEO label of “Innovative Company”

Sword Group | 2008 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2008 Results

Sword Group | OGM Notice Convocation of 01/30/09

Sword Group | 2008 Consolidated Account

Sword Group | 2008 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 04/02/09

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2008 Results

Sword Group | 2008 Half-Year Results

Sword Group | Availability of the 2008 Half-Year Financial Report

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2008 Results

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2008 Results

Sword Group | Acquisition of Graham Technology

Sword Group | [E]OGM Notice Convocation of 04/29/08

Sword Group | 2007 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2007 Results

Sword Group | 2007 Consolidated Account | Posted on 02/12/08

Sword Group | 2007 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 04/11/08

Sword Group | Acquisition and Sales

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2007 Results

Sword Group | Half-Year 2007 Results

Sword Group | Acquisition of APAK

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2007 Results

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2007 Results

Sword Group | Acquisition of CTSpace

Sword Group | Changing the date of the EOGM to 05/04/07

Sword Group | EOGM Notice Convocation of 04/30/07

Sword Group | Capital Increase

Sword Group | Capital Increase

Sword Group | Capital Increase

Sword Group | 2006 Annual Results

Sword Group | 4th Quarter 2006 results

Sword Group | 2006 Consolidated Account

Sword Group | 2006 Annual Financial Report | Posted on 07/12/07

Sword Group | Acquisition of Real Time Engineering Limited in Glasgow (UK)

Sword Group | 3rd Quarter 2006 results

Sword Group | Sale of Sword Consulting France

Sword Group | 1st Half-Year 2006 results

Sword Group | 2nd Quarter 2006 results

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | Increase ITS Focus

Sword Group | 1st Quarter 2006 results

Sword Group | OGM Notice Convocation of 04/28/06

Sword Group | 2005 Annual Results

Sword Group | Sale of North Sword

Sword Group | Acquisition of Nextech

Sword Group | 2005 Results 4th Quarter

Sword Group | 2005 Annual Report / Registration Document | Posted on 12/04/06

Sword Group | 2005 Consolidated Account | Posted on 30/03/06

Sword Group | Acquisition of Intech

Sword Group | 2005 Results 3rd Quarter

Sword Group | Important Strategic and Operational Developments

Sword Group | 2005 Results 1st Half-Year

Sword Group | Acquisition of Linkvest

Sword Group | 2005 Results 2nd Quarter

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | New Contracts

Sword Group | 2005 Results 1st Quarter

Sword Group | Acquisition of Harvard – Pragma

Sword Group | 2004 Annual Results

Sword Group | 2004 Results 4th Quarter

sword Group | Transition to IFRS Standards

Sword Group | 2004 Consolidated Accounts | Posted on 28/02/05

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement at 31/12/04 | Posted on 17/01/05

Sword Group | 2004 Annual Report / Registration Document | Posted on 15/04/05

Sword Group | Appointment of Heath Davies as Chief Executive Officer

Sword Group | 2004 Results 3rd Quarter

Sword Group | 2004 Results 1st Half-Year

Sword Group | Acquisition of the company CIMAGE

Sword Group | 2004 Results 2nd Quarter

Sword Group | Acquisition of our Production Center in India

Sword Group | 2004 Results 1st Quarter

Sword Group | Definitive terms of the share issue

Sword Group | Capital Increase

Sword Group | 2003 Annual Results

Sword Group | 2003 Results 4th Quarter

Sword Group | 2003 Consolidated Account

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement at 31/12/03 | Posted on 14/01/04

Sword Group | 2003 Annual Report / Registration Document | Posted on 03/03/04

Sword Group | Acquisition of FI System Belgium

Sword Group | Acquisition of Zen and Art

Sword Group | 2003 Results 3rd Quarter

Sword Group | 2003 Results 1st Half-Year

Sword Group | 2003 Results 2nd Quarter

Sword Group | 2003 Results 1st Quarter

Sword Group | 2002 Annual Results

Sword Group | 2002 4th Quarter

Sword Group | 2002 Consolidated Accounts

Sword Group | Balance Sheet Liquidity Agreement at 31/12/02 | Posted on 17/01/03

Sword Group | 2002 Annual Report / Registration Document | Posted on 03/03/03

Sword Group | Acquisition of Cronos Technologies

Sword Group | 2002 2nd Quarter

Sword Group | Acquisition of Text Solution

Sword Group | 2002 1st Quarter

Sword Group | Succes of its initial public offering on the New Market

Sword Group | IPO

Sword Group | Creation of an agency in Houston

Sword Group | 2001 Consolidated Accounts


By year

By document